Recent conversations

In Zulip, a conversation is a direct message thread (one-on-one or with a group), or a topic in a channel.

Use the Recent conversations view to get an overview of all the ongoing conversations. This view is particularly useful for catching up on messages sent while you were away.

  1. Click on Recent conversations (or if the views section is collapsed) in the left sidebar, or use the T keyboard shortcut.

  2. The filters at the top help you quickly find relevant conversations. For example, select Participated to filter to the conversations you have sent messages to.

The Participants column shows which users recently sent a message (newest on the left).

The arrow keys and vim navigation keys (J, K, L, H) can be used to move between elements.

Load more conversations

The recent conversations view displays a limited number of conversations containing the most recent messages.

Use the search bar at the top of the web app to search through all conversations, not just recent ones.

  1. Click on Recent conversations (or if the views section is collapsed) in the left sidebar, or use the T keyboard shortcut.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list of conversations, or bring the bottom into view by filtering for a non-existent keyword.

  3. Click the Load more button in the banner at the bottom.