User list

In the Zulip web and desktop app, the right sidebar shows a list of users in your organization. It shows non-deactivated users, and does not include bots.

In organizations with up to 600 users, everyone is shown. In larger organizations, only users who have been active in the last two weeks are listed. All users are included when you search for people.

When you view a channel or a topic within a channel, subscribers to that channel are shown separately from other members of your organization. To avoid distraction, you can hide the user list any time.

Search people

  1. If the user list in the right sidebar is hidden, click the user list ( ) icon in the upper right to show it.

  2. Click the search () icon at the top of the right sidebar to open the search box.

  3. Type the name of the user you are looking for.

You can also use the W keyboard shortcut to start searching for a person.

Show or hide the user list

  1. Click the user list ( ) icon in the upper right.

The W keyboard shortcut to search people reveals the user list if it is hidden.